Getting started

The only thing you need to do is to upload an Envoy config dump.

Data won't be sent to our server. Everything is done in the browser.

There's also a CLI version available here.

How to get a config dump:

Software Endpoint info Command
Gloo Edge No glooctl proxy dump > config_dump.json
Gloo Edge Yes kubectl -n gloo-system port-forward deploy/gateway-proxy 19000 &
sleep 3
curl localhost:19000/config_dump?include_eds > config_dump.json
kill $PID
Istio (requires istioctl >= 1.10) No ./istioctl pc all <pod-name[.namespace]> -o json > config_dump.json
Istio Yes kubectl -n <namespace> port-forward <pod-name> 15000 &
sleep 3
curl localhost:15000/config_dump?include_eds > config_dump.json
kill $PID